We Got Married!

Odd Muse Dress

On March 7, 2024, showered on a rainy day, we got married. After 15 years together and 2 kids, we did it. Our journey has been far from traditional but we wouldn’t have it any other way. It happened in OUR own time organically, naturally, beautifully and most importantly right on time. I often see people pressure themselves to get married to someone because they are getting older or they just feel like they’ve been together long enough and I never had those feelings. I wanted to FEEL like the time was right, not force it for any reason. Growing up marriage was never the forefront of my mind. I was more concerned with having a healthy and fruitful relationship. I never dreamed of a wedding, ring or dress but I did dream of a healthy partnership and children and I got just that.

Something I realized after all these years is that marriage is a commitment beyond legality. You must first decide before God together with your partner to become one. Everything else is hoopla as I like to say. And I never subscribed to the hoopla. All I ever wanted was just real true love and God am I so blessed to have found it. No fairly tale love with frills. Real love, the action, a decision, between two people who show up for themselves and each other. Who better themselves while bettering each other. I am so beyond happy to have found my partner in life. It happened in our time when it felt right and when it did thats when we decided to make it legal and had an intimate wedding at city hall in Boston with my immediate family.

Having our daughters there to witness it was so beautiful. To get married 15 years later in the city we met was the perfect full circle moment.

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